I started this post ages ago but couldn't get it out. Now I am reworking it and starting over, and making this post just in the glory of the daughter, with more photographic proof of her outstandingness, even with chocolate ice cream smeared on her chin. and I posted yet another picture of myself with my girls, because I didn't hate this one as much as I often do, and to you show you all that I am not so insane that it is always apparent.
Mother of two, step-mom to two more. Married. Work in the theatre of the absurd, behind the curtain, and pulling the strings. First daughter was a preemie, new Baby has MCADD, or Medium Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency (Mighty Crappy Aggravating Disorder) and mild Cerebral Palsy, because the fun never stops around here. Foggy mind. If I wore a button it would say: Lose mind now, Ask me how! Things you might find here: bits and pieces of fluff about babies with wacky disorders, mommying, knitting very slowly, and stuff I don't say at work. If you want to send me free stuff just email me at gingerbblog at gmail.
Regardless of how insane you are (heehee) you are also gorgeous. But then, I figured. I mean, look at those girls!!!!